How To Save Time and Grow Your AR with AI Tools

Presented by Lassie

When Dr. Kwon, a DEO member and dentist in Menlo Park, California, shared insights into his practice’s revenue cycle management, it revealed a surprising reality. Despite running a thriving practice with millions in annual collections, much of the financial work was still being done manually. Steijn Pelle, CEO & Co-Founder of Lassie, found this especially striking after his experience scaling tech giants like Coinbase and Robinhood in Silicon Valley.

Motivated by this discovery, Lassie set out to reimagine revenue cycle management with the power of AI and software and how it could replace time-intensive tasks like manually entering EOBs, managing denials, and hand-billing patients. The results have been remarkable. Dr. Kwon shared: “I tripled my revenue and now receive it 4x faster, while Lassie freed up 100 hours a month for my team to tackle tasks like denials and patient statements.”

Whether you’re looking to optimize efficiency, improve cash flow, or free your team to focus on what matters most, this session will show you how to achieve extraordinary results.

What You’ll Learn in this Free Webinar:

  • Optimized EOBs: How the best offices handle their EOB posting, manage their denials, and bill their patients
  • AI-Powered Automation: What AI and software tools are available to automate 90% of this process while improving accuracy and speed.
  • Silicon Valley Insights: Where are we headed in 5 years when it comes to running a practice.

Find Out in 5 Minutes if Lassie is a Good Fit for You:

Hear what DEO Members have to say about Lassie:

  • “We freed up 60+ hours a month and stopped having my best team member wasting tons of time entering checks and reconciling accounts. My team loves it.” — Dr. Nelson Kanning, Lawson, MO
  • “Gone are the days that I am $100k+ behind in outstanding collections. Also no more fees on my EFTs or virtual credit cards.” — Dr. Eric Kwon, Menlo Park, CA