Systems Will Set You Free

Why robust operational systems are instrumental to – and at the heart of – every successfully growing dental company.

Behind the quality patient care of any successful dental company lies a well-oiled machine that keeps the gears of the business turning smoothly – operational systems. Where patient care is paramount and competition is fierce, the difference between a thriving dental company and one that merely survives often comes down to the implementation of effective operational systems. 

Key ingredients for growth

Dentistry isn’t just about treating patients. It’s also a business, and like any business, it requires well-structured systems to thrive and grow. Systems are the guiding framework that ensures consistency, accountability, and efficiency across all aspects of your dental company. From patient appointment scheduling, inventory management, staff training to financial planning, operational systems provide the infrastructure that allows your dental business to function seamlessly and scale.

Operational systems are more than just mechanisms; they are catalysts for growth. With the right systems in place, your team is empowered to work smarter, not harder. Consider, for example, systems that standardize customer service responses, opening the office, dental assistant setup, and new patient intake. These systems, when followed, can free up time and resources, allow your team to “do more with less,” and focus on bigger picture strategic decisions for business growth.


“People first, then systems” is an important DEO philosophy. While at first glance this seems counter to the adage that “systems will set you free,” these seemingly disparate philosophies actually support each other. Because to hire, onboard, and retain great people, you need to have great systems in place to help your team to work together, thrive day to day, and work toward a common growth vision.

Here are just some of the must-have, people-first systems DEO suggests are necessary for running a thriving dental company:

  • Hiring procedures
  • Onboarding procedures
  • Standardized job descriptions
  • PTO submission protocol
  • Annual total compensation document to employees
  • Staff performance reviews
  • Office policy manual
  • OSHA/WISHA compliance checklist
  • Weekly 1:1 meetings standardization
  • Work type personality assessments
  • Leader training
  • Cross-train staff
  • Training and orientation procedures

The right systems will help your employees do their jobs efficiently, with accountability, and purpose.

Handpicked operational systems

“People” systems are just one area among many operational systems areas that make up a complete well-run dental company: systems for patient communication, clinical care standards, finance, workplace safety, customer service, etc., must also be in place. 

By embracing systems, dental companies can establish a culture of efficiency where tasks are streamlined, resources are optimized, and the focus shifts from day-to-day firefighting to strategic planning. 

DEO has hand-picked a 110+ list of critical operational systems from experience working with thousands of successful dental leaders. For the complete list and more information, download the [CHECKLIST] 110+ Operational Systems Every Growing Dental Group / DSO Needs To Implement. Scan the QR code to receive your complimentary copy.

Harness the strategic power of operational systems and set your dental company on a trajectory of successful growth.