The Upside of Rejection

By Dan Nielsen
[email protected]

rep-sept16-istock_91258581_largeAs a leader, do you consistently teach, model and reinforce the upside of rejection? Without exception, every member of your team and every employee or associate within your organization will frequently encounter rejection, even when they are directly focused on carrying out the mission, values, strategic imperatives, and annual goals of your organization.

The upside of rejection can be consciously learned, remembered, and leveraged for the good of everyone involved, including your organization and the people you serve.

The upside of rejection is to purposefully and diligently capture and create opportunities for positive change and definitive improvements as the result of inevitable personal, professional and organizational rejection.

The benefits
Think about it. The huge – yes, massive – benefits and results of consciously and consistently leveraging the upside of rejection include:

  1. Better, more effective leaders throughout your organization (everything rises and falls on leadership)
  2. Smarter people and smarter teams
  3. More experienced and mature people and teams
  4. More effective people and teams
  5. More efficient people and teams
  6. More focused people and teams
  7. More confident people and teams
  8. Better results throughout your entire organization
  9. A more confident, courageous, and positive culture throughout your entire organization
  10. Stronger, more successful, more loyal people and teams throughout your organization
  11. A powerful, unstoppable culture driven by the courage and learning that results from purposefully and consistently teaching, modeling, and reinforcing the upside of rejection

If you take the time to prioritize and look, you and every leader throughout your organization will find hundreds of golden opportunities to teach, model and reinforce the upside of rejection!

If it’s to be it’s up to me – that means its up to you!

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Presidential Leadership (2013) and Be An Inspirational Leader (2016). He regularly writes and speaks on the topics of Leadership Excellence and Achieving Greater Success, and is available to deliver keynote presentations or facilitate discussions for your organization. For more info, please visit

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